The mission of BOE is to help the Native Community with prevalent issues such as: alcoholism, poverty, generational trauma and violence.  BOE  is a "simple recipe that encourages self-improvement and restores a Balance in our individual identity."  "Ignite the warrior within.  We are agents of change. It begins with us."  Be self determined, be positive and be balanced, because Balance Offers Empowerment."  Redcorn Maloney

WELCOME! Whatever your are experiencing, we believe that getting out of isolation and changed attitudes can aid in recovery and improve lives.  There is hope.  

What to Expect at your first meeting

We have a meeting format that is followed at every meeting.   We read a welcome and then we typically have a topic, read something short that is related to recovery, or have a speaker who shares their experience, strength and hope.  SAMHA definition of recovery:  "Recovery is a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential."   Link 

 After the reading or speaker, we have open sharing time.  This is the time to share what is on your heart and mind.  The big thing about our meetings is that no one will be criticizing you or be giving you advice.  We share in a safe place.  

Our meetings are like the Native American Talking Circle.  When someone is sharing there is no interruption or advice giving.  After your share no one will be commenting on your share.  We share our personal experience. We do not try to fix one another.

We are anonymous.  Most of us share our first name.  But you do not need to share your name.

Participation is optional. If you want to just check us out and listen, that is fine.  There is no pressure to talk.  

There is no cost.  Most of us "working a program" in recovery have found that we get better when we help others.   We give to others freely what was giving to us.  That includes our time and some give money to support the meetings.

Qualification.  Our meetings are open to everyone.  Every race, creed and sexual orientation.   Some of us are in recovery just to improve our lives.  Some of us are here because we felt we were dying and our life literally depended upon making a change.  Everyone has a different journey.   BOE is meant to be a safe place to explore recovery and to develop relationships with others who have experienced what you are going through.  Recovery does not happen in a vacuum.  It happens when we risk getting out of isolation.

Is this AA?  This is not an AA meeting.  AA meetings are specifically for Alcoholics.  BOE meetings are for anyone who wishes to improve their life and work on their own recovery.  If you are alcoholic we suggest attending Wellbriety or AA meetings also.  They are specifically for Alcoholics and have proven success in helping alcoholics remain sober.  Wellbriety is native based. We have a link to Wellbriety and AA meetings on our MEETINGS LINK.  Some of us here attend Wellbriety or AA meetings.  You can learn more from talking to us.

Do I need to be indigenous/ native american to attend?  No.  BOE meetings are open to all races.  Part of the native american philosophy is that all colors are created equal.  BOE founder Gary Redcorn Maloney said" BOE respects the Native American medicine wheel which also represents the four colors of all people unified in communal love. Each color is equally portioned to indicate equality. East is yellow, south is red, west is black, and north is white."   Redcorn wanted BOE for everyone.  BOE is to help not just the native community but the world.  

Are you a religion?  No.  Most recovery meetings do talk about developing a relationship with a higher power of your choice.  You are free to share about your higher power/god/ as you wish.

I just want to help my family member.   Many of us entered recovery because we were concerned about someone else.  Maybe it was their addiction, mental illness, gambling or other self harm.  We didn't know what to do to help them.  Please attend.  Another program to help those dealing with someone else's issue is Alanon.  There is a link to Alanon meetings on our website meetings page.


BOE is a "simple recipe that encourages self-improvement and restores a Balance in our individual identity." 

  Written by our Founder Red Corn Gary Maloney  Bii’ohii"  

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