Yah’at’eeh (Blessings and Greetings),

My Story,  Redcorn Gary Maloney

I am Dine. A modern-day American Indian who is learning to walk a balanced path which involves todays positive philosophy and my ancestors un-dying integrity.My story begins being born on the desolate poverty-stricken Navajo reservation in a devout Christian home, a true minority race of people in their own Native country. Being born unprivileged and de-culturized for me has reaped more reward than repression. Before the reward I endured the tribulation of the subjected Indian who drank, fought, lied and drank again to drown the shame of having that blemished identity. The stereo-type drunken Indian staggering down the street was me.  ​

The repression of accepting the idea that all is as it should be almost taking my life on several occasions. Whether it was depression, violence or depravity it festered until I faced the court of law. I was labeled the drunkard Indian, a true product of the Native American community. Being judged by men who knew nothing of the cards I was dealt lead me into looking into my ancestor’s history. The cards I held won me a prison sentence. The prison sentence became my reward because my education is a tribute to my incarceration.  ​

Upon investigating my Peoples history, the intuitive instinct of what the Indigenous Americans identity was, resurfaced. The dying ember of my cultural identity ignited with a ravenous hunger. The warriorship and resilience my ancestors displayed inspired me to direct my story towards restoration for my People. Purpose, passion and pride fuel my devotion towards sobriety. I choose to rise above the predicted set of circumstances to enhance the next generations opportunities.  ​

My experience is not anyone else’s but it can serve as a testimony for what is possible to the dejected and disregarded. What I promote and advocate is not reparation but self-reliance by harmoniously synchronizing dual or multiple cultures. My efforts will make a positive impact on a few but with a collective effort we can make a benefitting impact for our future generation.  ​

I am Bii’ohii the remainder of the ancestors who sacrificed themselves so that I may practice their faith and salvation.


The mission of BOE is to help the Native Community with prevalent issues such as: alcoholism, poverty, generational trauma and violence. BOE  is a "simple recipe that encourages self-improvement and restores a Balance in our individual identity."  "Ignite the warrior within.  We are agents of change. It begins with us."  Be self determined, be positive and be balanced, because Balance Offers Empowerment."  Redcorn Maloney

We hope your heart is touched from hearing Redcorns' actual voice in his writing, and that his work will continue to "ignite the inner warrior" in you.

The Red Corn Way, by Redcorn Gary Maloney

Predating European arrival my ancestors upheld a simple philosophy that
high-lighted individual values and beliefs while also improving perception.
The simple philosophy is called the Red Road, The Corn Pollen Way. The idea is
to live a holistic lifestyle in a sacred manner. This traditional path did not
demand perfection, it did not instill self-righteousness nor was it a religious
dogma that required attendance or subscription. According to oral teaching
(spoken in my Native language) it is my understanding that this traditional
path allows an individual to find a BALANCED focus in their life. The focus is
up to the individual, for every person’s journey is different.

To attain a peaceful BALANCE “the way” will intuitively and spiritually reveal a
necessity to be a person of, humility, honesty, integrity and respect. When that
happens courtesy and compassion flood the conscience so that the individual
might exercise the virtues listed above. It is then, that enlightenment and
harmonious balance manifest and radiate from the practitioner. “The Way” is
administered through, prayer, song, meditation, exercise and example. Love
replaces hate, grace expels grudge, tranquility overshadows turmoil and
identity courts confidence.

“The Way” reveals to the individual that they manufacture and carry their own
patented medicine through, thoughts, words, deeds and feelings. It is then that
true beauty is within and when it is within it makes all that is around
beautiful, tolerable and wonderful despite the wickedness in the world. The
Red Road, The Corn Pollen Way is the preferred way for the mindful and for
those that desire a healthy lifestyle.


Beauty to the four directions, beauty above and below, in beauty I will think, in
beauty I will talk and in beauty I will walk.
Hozho Bi’kedo

  The Snowflakes inheritance, By Redcorn Gary Maloney

In the spring of 1870, Chief Red-Cloud of the Sioux Nation and 16 other Chiefs
were summoned to Washington D.C to witness the armory of the U.S military
as well as to see the vast population of its east coast cities. While in D.C the
Chiefs were invited to speak at the Dept. of Interior. It was there that
Red-Cloud poetically and analogically spoke these words…

     “Our Nation (Natives) is melting away like the snow on the sides of the hills where the sun is warm, while your people (Gov. Citizens) are like the blades of grass in the spring when the summer is coming.” _ _ Red-Cloud

Perhaps that is the vitality in the modern-day snowflake; furthermore, I claim my inheritance, the ancient philosophy. My ancestors studied the balance in nature, spoke its language and sought wisdom in the changing seasons. As the snow has its season so does the blade of grass. Before this snowflake melts, I will make efforts to educate my inheritance unto all people.

 This is not about growing grass, photosynthesis or precipitation, it is about regarding our Mother Earth with reverence while upholding all her children with equal esteem (all form of life). Reverence and homage to Mother Earth is paramount because continuing on the toxic campaign will result in no new blades of grass, no pure snowflakes and no seasons. 

There is a bigger more important campaign. To instill in the upcoming flakes of snow and blades of grass that accentuating and highlighting the beauty in Mother Earth provides peace internally as well as purpose externally. Red Cloud’s body returned to Mother Earth’s bosom, but his message remains relevant, today more than ever.


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