
"Scientifically, affirmations are proven to elevate an individual's core values with nutritional ideas that improve and fortify the attitude of the individual.

So, as a participant in recovery it is  of utmost importance that we declare our vocalized affirmation."   Redcorn  


1. I am worthy of unconditional love.

2. My feelings and needs matter.

3. The people in my life respect my boundaries.

4. I let go of all negative self-talk.

5. My life is beautiful.

6. I accept myself unconditionally.

7. I choose to stop going down the path of self-hatred and self-destruction.

8. I am worthy of good things, and so is everybody else.

9. I accept myself for who I am in this current moment.

10. I respect myself and treat myself with kindness and love.

11. My life is a place of happiness and love.

12. I am allowed to express pain.

13. I choose to stop apologizing for who I am.

14. The only approval I will ever need is my own.

15. I love my body and all it does for me.

16. I let go of all people who do not have my best interests at heart.

1 7. I have so much to celebrate about myself.

18. I've got my own back.

19. My eyes are full of honor and integrity.

20. I stay balanced when other people are unbalanced.

21. I see my struggles as opportunities to learn and grow.

22. My mind is full of endless gratitude.

23. I am my best source of motivation.

24. I overcome every obstacle with ease.

25. I deeply love and approve of myself.

26. I cherish the unique person I am.

27. I am blessed to have a wonderful soul.

28. My soul radiates from the inside and warms the souls of others.

29. I appreciate my life.

30. I am proud of all I have accomplished.

3 2. I believe in me.

33. Nothing stands in the way of me loving myself.

34. Today, I chose my happiness.

3 5. I am a total badass.

3 7. I exude patience.

38. Loving myself is easy.

39. Loving myself means I can give love to others more freely.

40. I have everything I need within myself.

41. I wake up every morning with an abundance of love for myself.

42. Every night, I appreciate who I am as a person.

43. When others speak negatively of who I am, I let the negatives roll easily off my back.

44. I choose not to take it personally.

45. I honor my inner voice.

46. I am confident in who I am.

47. Having good self-esteem comes naturally to me.

48. I attract incredible people into my life.

49. I am incredibly intelligent.

50. Being infmitely confident comes easily to me.

51. I accept and embrace my flaws.

52. I feel at peace with how I look.

53. I am unquestionably attractive.

54. My confidence is soaring higher than the clouds.

55. I honor my unique path in life.

56. I respect my boundaries.

57. I am my own loving parent.

58. I choose people who love and respect me.

59. My mind is brilliant.

60. I radiate self-love.

61. My self-esteem is rising higher and higher.

62. I acknowledge my self-worth.

63. My heart is pure.

64. I treasure my body.

65. I am self-assured in all areas of my life.

66. I practice gratitude for my life daily.

67. I choose to be grateful for the things I have.

68. I am free.

69. I believe these affirmations are making a huge difference in my life.

70. Amazing opportunities are flowing to me endlessly.

71. I am a magnet for love.

72. I am a masterpiece.

73. I celebrate my successes each and every day.

74. I make wise decisions.

7 5. I am not my mistakes.

76. I let go of all feelings of regret and shame.

77. I unconditionally accept myself.

78. I unconditionally love myself.

79. My heart is warm and caring.

80. I am powerful and capable of reaching all my dreams.

81. Every step I take is courageous.

82. I carry strength and resilience with me wherever I go.

83. I am authentic.

84. I stand my ground and protect myself.

85. I have the strength to rise up and face any adversity.

86. My voice is valuable.

87. My opinions matters.

88. I feel completely comfortable with myself.

89. I deserve love, compassion, and empathy.

90. My body is an artistic expression of my individuality.

9 1. My relationship with my body is one of perfect harmony.

92. Every part of my personality and body radiates beauty.

93. I honor who I am in this current moment.

94. I am loveable.

95. I am outstanding.

96. I trust in my ability to survive any obstacle that comes my way.

97. My efforts are being supported by my higher power.

98. I am thriving in all areas of my life.

99. I am unstoppable.

100. Today, I choose me. 

Find at least 5 affirmations you like, or make your own.
Now try reading them daily for a week and see how you feel.

  • I matter. I add so much to the world.
  • I  am worthy of unconditional love.
  • I  am proud of my heritage.
  • I am confident in my sexuality.
  •  I am comfortable asking for what I need because I know I'm worth it.
  • I am growing and learning self love.
  • I am being healed from trauma, even intergenerational trauma.
  • When I express my opinions, I have the right to be listened to, heard, respected and accepted.
  • I don't have to suffer to get what I need.
  • I don't have to be dependent on others for my self esteem.
  • I  ask for what I want and need.
  • I can trust myself now.
  • I have a right to say yes or no without guilt.
  • I can let down my guard. I am safe.
  • I am open to recovery and help.
  • It is great to be me!
  • I accept myself .
  • I can forgive myself and others for past hurts and mistakes.
  • I  surround myself with people who nourish me.
  • I  take credit for what I have done.
  • I let others in . I am no longer lonely.
  • I have lots of choices. I choose to exercise them.
  • I don't have to struggle to survive anymore.
  • I say as things as I see them.
  • I deserve to be happy......very happy.
  • I have  open and loving relationships.
  • I am enjoying my sexuality.
  • I  tell my truth. I talk about the past without guilt and experience freedom.
  • I have healthy boundaries.
  • I have a right to express my feelings whether they are negative or positive.
  • I can let down my guard. I am safe.
  • I am lovable and capable.
  • I can be mad, sad, angry and frustrated.
  • I am success in life just by being me.
  • I have a right to be me. 
  • I am not bound by my past.
  • I receive affection and enjoy it.
  • I'm so glad I am here.
  • I have a right to be my own person.
  • I love me.
  • I  express my feelings.
  • I am safe.
  • I am lovable and capable.
  • I am healing from generational trauma.  
  • I  let myself SHINE.
  • I can think and feel at the same time.
  • I am not responsible for other's behavior.

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