Yah’at’eeh (Blessings and Greetings),

I am Dine. A modern-day American Indian who is learning to walk a balanced path which involves todays positive philosophy and my ancestors un-dying integrity.My story begins being born on the desolate poverty-stricken Navajo reservation in a devout Christian home, a true minority race of people in their own Native country. Being born unprivileged and de-culturized for me has reaped more reward than repression. Before the reward I endured the tribulation of the subjected Indian who drank, fought, lied and drank again to drown the shame of having that blemished identity. The stereo-type drunken Indian staggering down the street was me.  

The repression of accepting the idea that all is as it should be almost taking my life on several occasions. Whether it was depression, violence or depravity it festered until I faced the court of law. I was labeled the drunkard Indian, a true product of the Native American community. Being judged by men who knew nothing of the cards I was dealt lead me into looking into my ancestor’s history. The cards I held won me a prison sentence. The prison sentence became my reward because my education is a tribute to my incarceration.  

Upon investigating my Peoples history, the intuitive instinct of what the Indigenous Americans identity was resurfaced. The dying ember of my cultural identity ignited with a ravenous hunger. The warriorship and resilience my ancestors displayed inspired me to direct my story towards restoration for my People. Purpose, passion and pride fuel my devotion towards sobriety. I choose to rise above the predicted set of circumstances to enhance the next generations opportunities.  

My experience is not anyone else’s but it can serve as a testimony for what is possible to the dejected and disregarded. What I promote and advocate is not reparation but self-reliance by harmoniously synchronizing dual or multiple cultures. My efforts will make a positive impact on a few but with a collective effort we can make a benefitting impact for our future generation.  

I am Bii’ohii the remainder of the ancestors who sacrificed themselves so that
I may practice their faith and salvation.

Bii’ohii. Redcorn Gary Maloney


The late Chief Manuelito of the Dine people is to have said to his people “Go
my grandchildren, go and climb the ladder of education”.

I have clearly failed Chief Manuelito, but I will say that the future for the
modern indigenous Americans is to cross pollinate differing views and ideals
to cultivate a benefitting personal revelation. When we choose to cross
pollinate, we educate ourselves by expanding our intellectual horizons, we
gain tolerance for opposing views and we enable understanding to determine
our degree of education. 

Education is a process that encourages exploration,
and my voyage is nowhere near an end.

The soul takes nothing with her into the other world but her education and
culture   Plato


Dago dachin= extremely hungry
My antidote to address poverty is to be extremely hungry. The extreme hunger
is a thirst for identity and currency. The subtle revelation of a revealed identity
enriched my soul just like a rainbow enriches the dark skies after a thunderstorm.

Dago Dachin is an attitude, it is an empowering declaration that evokes
ambition and determination through balance. Determination must outweigh
ambition because determination is calculated exerted efforts while ambition is
an unharnessed compulsion to exact those efforts.

 Here is our common ground… 

We want to attain knowledge; 

we want to acquire wealth and we
want poverty to end with our vocalized declaration.

Be ambitious, be aggressive and be determined in a Dago Dachin attitude.

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