B.O.E’s message is to bravely withstand, hold our ground, clean our side of the street and take pride in the resilient Indian that survives within, why might you ask? Well... because "the true wealth of a people lies in their positive contributions to the bigger social order." .Thomas Paine

Lest we forget… One of the main strands of America’s moral fabric is threaded in the principles of the Native American culture. Those principles include but are not limited to; Reverence for Mother Earth, Love and Compassion for all children, Respect for all women and Courtesy for our elders. To be stewards of Mother Earth is to live in accordance with our creator’s intent; preserve, protect and cultivate.

As the American government's moral fabric weathers and fades, it is of utmost importance that
we return to our ancestral teachings, identify our historical mistakes, embrace benefitting values so that we create a stronger more vibrant thread that we can weave into our social order.

 Be ambitious, be aggressive and be determined in a Dago Dachin attitude. Bii’ohii 

Dago Dahin=extremely hungry

B.O.E's campaign is to simply showcase the Balanced Philosophy of the original People in a modern fashion that compliments science, technology and universal codes of integrity. B.O.E aims to showcase that integrity through the teachings of the original People, which lo' and behold is in alignment with ethical codes of conduct. From that point the how, where, when and who will manifest.

 In beauty... B.O.E marches forward to educate its foundational formula to
mitigate our community's prevalent issues. 

Beauty to the six sacred directions, 

Balance within and Beauty throughout.

The mission of BOE is to help the Native Community with prevalent issues such as: alcoholism, poverty, generational trauma and violence.  BOE  is a "simple recipe that encourages self-improvement and restores a Balance in our individual identity."  "Ignite the warrior within.  We are agents of change. It begins with us."  Be self determined, be positive and be balanced, because Balance Offers Empowerment."  Redcorn Maloney

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